Saturday, December 6, 2008


Now that most dumb American analyst accepted that America is in recession since 2007!
(Which I predicted in 2007 itself)
Its interesting that same dumb analyst think that this Recession will be short and fast!
But it will be optimistic thinking to expect these dumb analysts to talk sensible.
According to me this recession will be deepest and longest ever recession America ever faced!
And the fact that it’s coming with deflation which is indicated by falling crude prices, there is high probability that America is unlikely to come out of it for nearly decade.
More so with fact that American government and central bank already fired all bullets and nothing left with them for future.
Most importantly world will face collateral damage due to American blunders and likely to go in deep recession except may be china.
Only silver lining is that countries like India are likely to come out it faster due to late entry in global mess.
There can be mind blowing rise in gold and crude prices in next decade to due to dollar collapse.
There can be total economic system collapse world over due to failing of artificial controls of so called great economic powers of last century.
There is good chance that many countries around world will go bankrupt and one may see more military conflicts world over due to obvious reason in next decade.
Get ready for worst economic decade of your lifetime!